2021正规彩票平台对所有障碍的忍耐,是对信仰力量的赞颂.  昆西人民的信仰,他们相信一个 university in the midst of their beautiful city on the Mississippi. 的信仰 prospective 学生 from across the nation and around the world, who came to Quincy University to learn from its talented faculty. 的信仰 the Franciscan 修道士, who knew what a Catholic, 方济各会的教育可以提升所有信仰和信仰的人. 

At a time of great societal change, 2021正规彩票平台始终坚定不移地履行其使命,为领导和改变世界做好准备.  But QU also has been undergoing a transformation of its own.  过去几十年的研究使我们对学生如何学习以及如何使学生2021正规彩票平台有了更深入的了解.  QU通过重塑学生体验来应对社会变革和这些新知识. Students now have tutoring and success coaches.  新的软件工具帮助瞿老师和工作人员识别和帮助学生的学术和个人 挑战.  和, beginning in 2020, 每个学生都必须准备并定期更新个性化的学生2021正规彩票平台计划, as a guide to on-time graduation and career readiness.

Under the direction of new President Brian McGee, 我们的目标是确保每一个被QU录取的学生都能2021正规彩票平台.  Students at QU will not succeed or fail based on luck, or struggle because they fell through the cracks.  QU的学生将会出类拔萃,因为整个QU的经历都是为2021正规彩票平台而设计的. 






“As a student at QU, I was offered many networking opportunities and experiences. My classes taught me the technical skills 我所需要的, but more importantly, the qualities that helped me stand out amongst other job applicants. 实习 在Quincy的Rokusek设计公司大四的时候,我得到了一个机会,让我在毕业后找到了一份全职工作. 还有什么大学能给学生提供这样的机会,让他们参与任何他们想参与的事情呢?”


“I chose QU because of the many scholarships offered, 它是该地区为数不多的提供计算机科学学位的大学之一. QU帮助我为我的职业生涯做好了准备,因为我的几位教授都在这个领域工作,并且能够 translate the real world into the 教室. 那次课堂经历帮助我在毕业后在2021正规彩票平台找到了一份与我的学位相关的工作.” 



Over the past few years, 2021正规彩票平台已经克服了巨大预算赤字的直接挑战.  在设定了筹集700万美元的五年目标以支持从赤字中复苏之后, 员工, 校友, and community leaders far exceeded that goal. Instead, our community members together raised over $8.在短短三年内,即使完成并超过了该计划的目标 Forever Forward fundraising campaign, which provided $25.500万美元用于改善2021正规彩票平台的校园和项目. At the same time, 2021正规彩票平台对菲尔·科诺弗2021正规彩票平台的总统任期表示敬意,并完成了全国总统竞选, 最终聘任布莱恩·麦基为2021正规彩票平台第24任校长.

2021正规彩票平台成立于1860年,为昆西和周边地区的人们服务, 屈总干事对该地区的贡献现在得到了更充分的承认.  大量的大学毕业生留在该地区,为当地的劳动力做出贡献, QU是社区经济发展和能源的主要贡献者.  最近的一项研究发现,昆士兰每年对昆西地区的经济影响约为5300万美元.  简单地说,昆西和2021正规彩票平台在经济上相互依赖.

Today, Quincy University is moving beyond financial recovery. Our campus master plan has been successfully completed, with millions of dollars committed to new and renovated facilities. New academic programs have been added or are being added. 我们所有的学术和体育项目都实现了以前对校园设施投资的全部好处. 昆士兰大学正在招收创纪录数量的潜在学生. A state-of-the-art cybersecurity lab has been opened, complementing other recent investments in our science labs, video production facilities, and performance spaces for the fine arts. New opportunities have been created for high-impact, experiential education, including expanded financial support for study abroad, undergraduate research, and service learning.  Record gifts to the QU Annual Fund were received in 2019. 的 requirement for a personalized student success plan, 每年由每位学生与学术顾问和2021正规彩票平台教练密切合作更新, is beginning in 2020.

Now is the time to conclude recovery fundraising, 尽管他承认慈善事业在确保2021正规彩票平台的未来方面发挥了关键作用. Now is the time to begin the new campaign for Quincy University, Succeeding by Design, 怎样才能像关注学生个人的2021正规彩票平台一样关注大学的2021正规彩票平台呢.






Philanthropy is a powerful tool for leadership, 因为对QU未来的投资为学生提供了新的机会,并确保了QU未来几十年和几个世纪的财务前景. QU will succeed and thrive because of its extraordinary and 对学生2021正规彩票平台的高度个性化的承诺-一个没有很大的承诺 这是对我们方济会身份至关重要的承诺 because so many will contribute to QU’s financial health.  

Succeeding by Design campaign prioritizes the success and support of current 学生. 自从方济会修士创立我们的大学以来,在曲城一直如此 university on the American frontier, 学生 come first. Every commitment to Succeeding by Design is a direct investment in the student experience and a decision to lead by example. 

Student 奖学金: By any standard, a Quincy University education remains 非常实惠,而且许多学生在QU花的钱比在其他学校要少 public universities in their home states.  高等教育的质量和可负担性从未如此明显.  At the same time, the financial needs of our 学生 have never been greater. Support for student scholarships will 为更多的学生提供参加QU的机会,并鼓励有特殊能力的学生来QU学习. 

Student Experiences: Whether inside or outside the 教室, the student 经验决定学生学什么,应届毕业生有什么 potential to do as they enter the workforce.  New investments in 教室 and 实验室设备和校园设施将使学生更好地为21世纪的挑战做好准备. 新的资金支持将使学生能够在课堂和校园之外获得新的机会. 

你的投资关系到昆士兰大学的学生和2021正规彩票平台的未来.  你的财务礼物,计划好的礼物,抵押,或房地产的礼物将会使你持久 difference in the lives of QU Hawks. 

It’s time for all Hawks to soar.

Quincy University. Success by Design.